Week in Review Week 8 (October 21-25) - What stories can the Prairies tell us?

Hi Everyone,

This was a fun and exciting week!

Social Studies

In social studies we continued our look at different landforms in the prairies. We have learned about four main regions of the prairies (open fields, mountains, foothills and forests). For each region, we brainstormed descriptive words to describe the region using color, size, textures as well as factual information about the region. For each region, we drew a picture of the landscape as well as incorporated our favorite sentence.

We also had the opportunity for Ms. Hinder to join us this week. Ms. Hinder lead a photography lesson with us, teaching us about the rule of thirds and how to take engaging pictures. Following this, we went outside and took pictures of our "non-human world", finding interesting pictures of the nature around us. These will go on display around the school and will segway into lots of future learning about the prairies in the following weeks. Stay tuned!

Special Guest

We had a special guest come to CJM this week. Marty Chan is a Canadian author that came and joined us on Tuesday to share some stories and life as an author. We really enjoyed having him speak to us, and we spoke about how we can be authors just like Marty. This inspired many of us to start writing our own stories which will lead us into our story writing unit later on in the school year.

Word Work

In word work this week we focused on the "er" sound. There are many letter blends that make the "er" sound. This week we focused on three of the main letter blends. We saw "er" in words such as master, farmer, and other. We found that the "er" grapheme typically is at the end of words, however we did see it in the middle of the word energy. We also looked at the "ir" grapheme like in the words first, birthday, fire and thirsty. The "ir" grapheme was typically found in the middle of words. Lastly we looked at the "ur" grapheme like in the words return, yogurt and during. We are becoming more confident in our letter sounds and the "er" sound is becoming more familiar with us.

On Fridays we do a different form of word work called "making words" we scramble letters on the board and are tasked to find as many different words from the mixed letters. There is always a secret code word that we are trying to find. This is a great activity to help us to see words while also remembering the correct letters and sounds that go into making a word.


In math this week we continued to word on our understanding of place value. Place value is an integral component of our understanding of number sense and will help as we continue our mathematical development in future grades. We are becoming more confident in our ability to identify what value each digit has in a number. Seeing that the number 35 is made up of 3 10's and 5 1's will help with our conceptual understanding.


In science we started building toys that utilize magnets. This is one of our cumulating tasks of our magnets unit. In groups of three, we have been tasked to create a toy that uses a magnet. We started by creating a blue print of our toy, ensuring that we accurately draw and label our diagram. Following this we have taken recyclable materials (cups, cardboard, paper ext) and started creating our toys. Some of the different toys include a fishing game, a car that will drive on a track as well as a robot. Stay tuned for the final products!

We also talked about the recent federal election that happened this week. We were really interested in the different parties and how voting worked, so we had a mock vote in the class. We had a voting booth and everyone had the opportunity to vote for their favorite party. Surprisingly the class also voted for the Liberal party.

Lastly we had the opportunity for Ms. Harder (our new assistant principal) to join our class. She came and introduced herself to the class while reading a story and doing a drawing activity with us. We are really excited to have her at CJM!

Well, that is all for now.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at mdnishimura@cbe.ab.ca.

Have a great weekend

Mr. N
