Week in Review - Week 23 (February 24-28) - Liquids

Hi Everyone,


This week, our main focus was exploring cold temperatures and liquids. On Monday we learned about what liquids are. We found out that liquids are things that move around and flow. We also identified many things that are liquids such as water, milk and juice. Following this, we conducted an experiment to see what would happen if we put liquids in the freezer. We made our own hypothesis' and put apple juice in ice cube trays and left it in the freezer for the whole school day. At the end of the day we took it out and discovered that the juice had frozen into a solid. We got to see two different states of matter, and at the end of the experiment enjoy a refreshing popsicle!

On Friday, we conducted another experiment to examine what common materials are the most absorbent. We learned that the word absorbent means for something to be sucked up. We had five different items (paper towel, regular paper, toilet paper, coffee filter and laminated paper). Students were tasked to use an eye dropper and place 5 drops of water on a plate, then put one of the items on and see if it absorbed all, some or none of the water. We are in the process of writing our conclusions and coming up with our explanations. Stay tuned!

Social Studies

In continuing with exploring the Inuit and how the land effects communities, we explored the Inuit way of life of Ice Fishing. This is a traditional way for Inuit people to gather food for their communities. Traditional ways require one to have an ice chisel and a jigging stick (a stick/rod that is moved up and down to lure fish to the bait) to catch fish. We learned and read a Inuit story about ice fishing, then we had the chance to paint our own fishing hole onto our documentation panels.


Our subtraction has been improving so much. We are getting confident at subtracting numbers to 100 while drawing them. This week we started subtraction using borrowing. This is when you do not have enough tens to subtract, so we have been learning and practicing trading in/borrowing 1 ten, for 10 ones to help with our subtraction.

Image result for pictoral subtraction with borrowing

Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday was Pink Shirt Day. This is a day to stand up and raise awareness for anti-bullying and friendship and kindness. We wrote and shared about how we are good friends and what we can do to be good friends. We also made our own hearts by needle felting. This was a fun and calming art activity that the students really enjoyed!

Well that's all for now. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me at mdnishimura@cbe.ab.ca.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. N
